Thursday, December 8, 2022

Masterclass in Strategy, a lesson from Fictional Geniuses

Disclaimer: The following content may consider spoilers.      

A stand-out strategist is result oriented; they know their goals. They anticipate possible challenges and chalk out strategies based on insight-driven knowledge of their domain. They are more often than not conspicuous in a crowd of passive participants. Thanks to their coat of arms traits - Curiosity, Competitiveness, and Confidence. Here are some of the most remarkable strategists from our favourite fictional worlds.    

1. Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings    

Ragnar is inarguably one of the most epic character's TV has ever seen. From being a simple farmer in an insignificant fishing hamlet, he rose to the highest regard any Viking has ever imagined. Throughout the narrative, every single move of Ragnar's is strategized. He was persistently curious - learning about other cultures, religions, lands, and languages. Ragnar was constantly heedful of his surroundings and how people perceived him. Later, he used it in his schemes as a psychological tool to further his agendas. Ragnar was ruthlessly committed to his goals. He often went to extreme lengths to achieve them. Like, faking his death to enter the City of Paris or dying in Northumbria to bring the entire Vikings together as The Great Heathen Army.   

2. James Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes     

Sherlock Holmes is one of the most competent detectives in the history of crime fiction. He is brilliantly observant, methodical, and deductive. Despite his genius feats, Sherlock does not bag the titles of "Exceptional" or "Mastermind," courtesy of his archnemesis James "Jim" Moriarty. Moriarty was always multiple steps ahead of Sherlock. One could even say that he is the personification of the term Evil-Genius. Moriarity has some of the most sought skills of a Business Strategist. He was an Expert Networker who managed and commanded an extensive web of criminals worldwide. Moreover, Moriarity was a first-class Resource Manager and Tactician. He managed to get hold of an undetectable poison at age 13 and recruit criminals willing to perform an array of crimes he wanted.  


3. Amy Dunne from The Gone Girl    

No list of fictional strategists can be complete without this character in it. Amy Elliot-Dunne is an extraordinarily charming and good-looking woman who is also a calculative psychopath. Amy chalked out and executed a remarkably detailed plan comprising multiple manipulations, forgeries, identity thefts, incrimination, and a murder to bring her husband to book for his infidelity. Amy predicted her kin, police, and media's reactions throughout the timeline of her disappearance. She used her insights to deliver her incriminated messages at the right time and place to keep the public and police's reaction in her favour. The Gone Girl is an excellent example of how anticipation of challenges and good communication can aid in successfully executing a strategy.     

4. Thomas Shelby    

Tommy Shelby is one of those characters who never fails to surprise the audience and his foes with strategies neither could have anticipated. Thomas started as a soldier in the British Army during World War 1. Upon his return, he ran a Local Street Gang in Small Heath. He turned it over into a Legitimate Business Empire. All of this came to fruition because of his foresight and ability to control his emotions and expressions. He had a dependable network of allies who had his back in the most dangerous times and were not his family. Shelby is an excellent example of how being calm under pressure and having a reliable network beyond your immediate team can help carry a strategy through.     

5. El Profesor from Money Heist     

El Profesor is a beau ideal strategist. In fact, he considers himself to be a strategist who thinks like a chess player - carefully calculating every move. He is familiar with all textbooks Police Strategies, Spain's Weaponry and Law Enforcement, and Crisis Management. He uses this knowledge to draw multiple plans for every anticipated challenging situation. He is knowledgeable and a good negotiator who is calm and objective under pressure. His meticulous planning and stoic temperament aid him in making quick and crucial decisions in any given situation.  

About the Author 

A Film Making and Marketing Student, she is secretly a Targaryen Dreamer.

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